I simply had to stop. I glared at my friend happily walking/ running and envied his physique. What wouldn’t I give to have that level of fitness!! Well! Actually not much!! Who wants to be on a diet and run everyday YUKKKK. Sweat was pouring in my eyes and though I tried I could not admire the scenic vista around least not while I was unelegantly trying to catch my breath!! I called out to my friend to stop and he reluctantly came back by my side. “I can’t go on…I am thirsty and by the looks so are you” I grumbled. “Yes” he said, giving me a wet kiss “don’t you have water?” “Water??!!” I almost screeched “who was in such a rush to run up the road without waiting for me to grab anything. We have no water, no food..nothing”
The road had looked so tempting from the quaint inn we were staying in. Not much more than a dirt path actually, winding its way between the tall and majestic Deodars. Turning and twisting in almost a serpentine fashion before disappearing behind a rise. The day was a perfect summer day, blue skies, a gentle breeze smelling of a thousand flowers, birds and butterflies, almost out of a Wordsworth poem minus the daffodils!! It had seemed a good idea to go exploring then, to see what lay behind this twisting road and without thinking my friend had just started off. Huh!! What do these guys care or even know?? They are so useless when it comes to matters of heart or hunger!!!
“Lets head back. This doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, just a stupid old road I guess” I said. But my friend apparently wanted to continus as he had already started walking ahead. “Allrrrrrrriiiiiiigght” I shouted “15 minuted and if this does not lead somewhere bbbbbbeeeeaaautiful and breathtaking we are going back” my friend nodded agreement. Thank God, I was saved from killing him…did he realise how close he had come to dying today?? I wondered.
I was just thinking of 101 wonderful ways of slowly killing him when I heard his gleeful shout. Following his voice I turned a corner and there it was…the most beautiful glen I had seen. It was quite shallow with rocks on both the sides. Infact, as I looked around I saw my friend had found a path leading all the way to the bottom and he was bent drinking water out of the running churning white water. “How beautiful” I gushed “isnt it beautiful, how peaceful, I can hear myself think” “yes it is” he said already busy looking at the various insects and butterflies around. The river was imitating the road in form…serpentine, twisting in and out of the boulders, running here and then quickly hiding behind a rock!! I was mesmerised by its foaming churning white water…’WOW’ I thought “it looks so frothy” “It looks like bloody foaming BEER” my empty stomach viciously growled “A milk shake” I corrected and my frined endorsed his agreement by a vigorous wag of his tail and happy yelp!!
It was time to head back and tend to more important matters of life and death….FOOD and DRINK!!!